Middle Head aged care proposal: Letter from Geoff Bailey to the Mayor of Mosman

Below is the text from the letter sent by Geoff Bailey urging the Mayor to defer Mosman Council's vote on the Motion on March 4.See Headland Preservation Group's response to this letter here.Clr Peter AbelsonMayorMosman CouncilPO Box 211SPIT JUNCTION NSW 2088Dear Clr AbelsonRe: Proposed Aged Care Facility, Middle Head-Council's Notice of Motion 4 March 2014I refer to the proposal for an aged care facility at Middle Head currently being assessed by the Harbour Trust, and Council's Notice of Motion to consider the proposal at its upcoming meeting on 4 March 2014.I write to provide an update on the progress of the proposal, in order to inform Council's consideration of the matter. The applicant has advised the Harbour Trust of their intention to significantly amend the proposal and to refer this to the Minister for the Environment for consideration under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The proposal would only include the complex of 10 Terminal brick buildings on the southern side of Middle Head Rd. This would enable all the timber barracks to be removed and the northern side of Middle Head Road to be turned into parkland. As part of the referral process the Department of Environment will place the proposal on public exhibition. The Harbour Trust will notify the community of the exhibition by placing an advertisement in the Mosman Daily, as well as directly notifying all those who have previously written to us regarding the proposal.Subject to the outcome of the EPBC referral, the Harbour Trust may then consider the amended proposal, which would involve further consultation with the community. In light of these developments, it would be premature for Council to consider the present motion. I therefore request that Council defer consideration of the motion until the amended proposal is available, which I anticipate will be before the end of this month. I also request that the applicants be invited to address Council when it considers the amended proposal.More broadly, I would also like to take this opportunity to respond to the Motion's claim that the proposal is contrary to the Harbour Trust's objects and plans. The Trust is considering the proposal because we believe it is consistent with our vision for the Headland Park. The Harbour Trust has always sought to reactivate these former Defence lands with a diverse range of uses that conserve buildings, maximise public access and enrich visitors' experience. The Harbour Trust has successfully introduced a range of uses including sport and recreational facilities, offices, restaurants, childcare centres, educational facilities, accommodation, health and wellbeing services, and artists precincts. Indeed, the Middle Head area has a long history of clinical and respite care, from the WWI hospital at Georges Heights, through to the recent $65m redevelopment of medical, residential and other facilities at HMAS Penguin.Moreover, the provision of adequate, quality aged care is one of the most significant challenges facing Australia's rapidly ageing population. Our community needs to develop better models for aged care. There has been a lot of research into the health benefits of parklands. "Healthy Parks Healthy People". It has been shown that availability and use of parks contributes to people's well being and natural settings contribute to the well being of patients and those in respite care. By being in landscaped public land, it would enable the elderly to be surrounded by life and activity as well as the soothing quality of the natural setting. The proposal is for a residential clinical care facility with associated community day care set within public parkland open to all. It is neither a retirement village nor a gated community.On the matter of community involvement I note that the Motion includes a claim that the Harbour Trust's public consultation on the proposal has been insufficient. The Harbour Trust refutes this claim. The proposal was on public exhibition for 6 weeks from 31 October-11 December 2013. During this period notifications were placed in the Mosman Daily on three occasions; local residents were notified by letter on three occasions; and a public information session and public Harbour Trust Board meeting were held. Direct notifications were made to a range of authorities and stakeholders; and the Harbour Trust's Community Advisory Committee was also informed. Following on from this there will be further consultation through the EPBC referral process, and the Harbour Trust's reexhibition of the amended proposal. This is an extensive consultation process that I expect would be at least as robust as the process that Council would undertake if it were considering a similar proposal.In regard to bushfire risk, the Harbour Trust has consulted the NSW Rural Fire Service, which has advised that aged care facilities must comply with the requirements of Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006. The Harbour Trust has required the applicant to engage a specialist bushfire consultant to prepare a Bush Fire Protection Assessment t hat specifically addresses the proposal's compliance with bush fire management requirements, including Planning for Bush Fire Protection.I request that this letter be tabled at Council's meeting on 4 March 2014, and that Council's consideration of the proposal be deferred until it has an opportunity to review the amended proposal.If you have any questions or would like to discuss any matter raised in this letter, please contact me on 8969 2164.Yours sincerelyGeoff BaileyExecutive Director3/3/2014CC - Ms Veronica Lee, General ManagerSee PDF copy of the letter here.

Save Middle Head 3rd Public Meeting

Almost 200 people attended our 3rd public meeting on Thursday 20 February to continue the campaign against the proposed aged care residential complex in Headland Park on Middle Head.

We heard about the campaign progress from Linda Bergin OAM, President of the recently re-formed Headland Preservation Group Inc, and reviewed errors and omissions on the proponents proposed development application documents. Guest speakers included Mr David Shoebridge, Greens MP NSW Parliament, and Ms Ilona Millar, Special Counsel Baker & McKenzie. We'll be making transcriptions of these presentations available soon. If you are not already on our email update list Please email us or register for updates on this page.

Key points on errors and omissions in the Planning Assessment Report blog post can be read here.

Attend our 3rd public Meeting to save Middle Head

Dear Community Member,We urge you to attend our 3rd public meeting to Save Middle Head to will be held next Thursday 20 February, 6.30-7.30pm at the Mosman Senior Citizen’s Centre (next to Mosman Town Hall, Mosman Square, Spit Junction).


  • Mr David Shoebridge, MLC NSW Parliament, Australian Greens, will speak to the proposal to build a large private aged care residential facility on Middle Head.

  • Special Counsel Ilona Millar, Baker & McKenzie, will speak and take questions about why the proposal is unlawful.

  • We have uncovered some mistakes and inconsistencies in the proponent’s documents and will give a short slide presentation.

An Advisor from Senator Birmingham’s office will attend (but not speak).

Headland Preservation Group Inc was Re-formed

Following the meeting we will celebrate the re-instatement of the Headland Preservation Group Inc re-registered on 6 February 2014.Please join us for celebratory drinks and snacks.WHEN: 6.30pm – 7.30pm, Thursday 20 February 2014 WHERE: Mosman Council Senior Citizen’s Centre, entrance next to Mosman Town Hall, Mosman Square, Spit Junction.

View/download a PDF flyer for our meeting announcement here.

Large turnout for public meeting held on January 23

Turnout for the public meeting to Save Middle Head held on January 23 was unusually large and we counted 180-190 with many standing and some unfortunately being turned away.

There was no evident support for the aged-care proposal at the meeting, and much applause in opposition to the proposal.Our President Linda Bergin OAM returned early from overseas to be able to Chair the meeting, in light of the urgency of the campaign.

The Harbour Trust did not attend with the exception of Board Member Peter Lowry OAM, however we did receive apologies from Board Members Clr Jean Hay AM and Leo McCleay.

Guest speaker Phil Jenkyn OAM, barrister and founder of Defenders of Sydney Harbour Foreshores, the original Defence land coalition formed in 1997, spoke eloquently and forcefully in opposition to the aged-care proposal. Phil visited the Trust and researched this proposal independently. He has concluded that the proposal is in violation of the Trust’s duty to conserve and care for its sites. Phil proposed the demolition of the 3 barracks and the adaptive re-use of Ten Terminal as aligning most with the heritage values of the site.

Also attending were members of “Save Little Manly Beach” and the President Jacqueline French spoke about their recent victory in the NSW Land and Environment Court against Manly Council’s attempt to sell foreshore land. (The Harbour Trust is not under this jurisdiction). Save Little Manly Beach expended around $200,000 to win its battle.

Standing Up For Middle Head On Boxing Day

Julie Goodsir* and a team of volunteers organised a massive effort at Georges Heights and Middle Head on Boxing Day to alert visitors from all over Sydney and beyond of the threat of private residential development facing a large section of the historic headland.
The visitors, many of whom travel to Georges Heights and Middle Head each year to gain unique vantage points on the Sydney to Hobart yacht race fleet, were shocked to learn public land and open space within their view could be overshadowed by private development.
"1500 people signed our petition to save Middle Head," Julie Goodsir said. "We only found out about the proposed development in mid-November and did not have much time to get our 'Save Middle Head' petition organised. It was so heartening to see so many people from all areas of Sydney wanting to sign our petition.
"In little more than a month, and at a very busy time of the year, our support base has grown to 2000 members. Tony Abbott was the Member for Warringah when the Headland Preservation Group campaigned to save this public land 17 years ago.
"Now Tony Abbott is not only the local member he is also our Prime Minister. I have heard he sometimes rides his bike down to Middle Head. Therefore he is familiar with this headland. What is at stake here is not a local issue but one for all Australians.
"The public land on Middle Head where the development of a private aged care facility is being proposed is an integral part of all the former Defence sites around Sydney Harbour that Linda Bergin, my late husband and the Headland Preservation Group, fought so hard and so rightly for, so long ago.
"We are not going to allow their legacy, and the time with their families that they sacrificed for all Australians, to be taken away forever.
"We would like a meeting with Tony Abbott here on the site. I think he is unaware of some of the issues at stake particularly the worrying precedent that approval of an aged care residential development would have for other parts of our iconic foreshore."
 *Julie Goodsir was heavily involved in the Headland Preservation Group led by Linda Bergin OAM and her husband the late Don Goodsir OAM. A sandstone bench was placed at Georges Heights in his memory after he lost his battle with cancer in 2010.

Let The Winds Of History Blow. Stop Private Development Of Public Land On Middle Head.

In just a few hours the Sydney to Hobart yachts will set sail after months of preparation and in many cases years of experience. The Sydney to Hobart is quintessentially a celebration of Sydney Harbour. The fleet will make its time-honoured charge down Sydney Harbour pursued by the equally traditional spectator fleet.At 86 years of age Syd Fischer, Mosman's elder statesmen of property and sea, will be setting off on his 45th Sydney to Hobart race. On Boxing Day Syd Fischer is Sydney, as enduring and enigmatic as the sandstone basin connecting the city to the sea.Syd has been a hard and uncompromising developer in Sydney for decades. However his love of sailing and record number of Sydney to Hobart yacht races make it impossible to imagine he would ever think building a massive aged care complex on Middle Head could ever be anything other than a very bad idea.Middle Head Mosman's historical significance as the point from which the indigenous people of Sydney first sighted the First Fleet entering Sydney Harbour has been highlighted repeatedly in public meetings to save Middle Head from this impending disaster. The evocative term 'First Contact' underlines the geographical and monumental nature of MiddleHead for all Australians.Michael MangoldSave Middle Head Team

Email Campaign Pauses for Christmas. Petitions and Letterbox Drops Take Over.

Special thanks to everyone taking up the challenge to send emails to key politicians. Save Middle Head's campaigning has focused on getting the urgent attention of Tony Abbott as Member for Warringah.However as many people have said so passionately at public meetings so far the 'Harbour Trust was established to protect public land for all Australians!' That’s why we're reaching out across Sydney to alert and inform as many people and politicians as possible about what's at stake.'Betrayal of trust', dismay and sheer disbelief that public land (fought for so resolutely by the community 17 years ago) is once again under threat; are recurring themes when people are told what is being proposed. "Wasn't the Trust established to protect public land?" is at the top of a long list of people's questions.There are also serious concerns about the dangerous precedent the privatisation of public land on Middle Head for residential health care would set. This is why we are taking the campaign to Joe Hockey's North Sydney electorate where the Harbour Trust's Platypus site on Neutral Bay is just across from the Neutral Bay ferry wharf.The Harbour Trust's site at Manly on North Head is also vulnerable. That's why we're asking members of the community to contact Councillor Jean Hay AM, Mayor of Manly and Harbour Trust Board member, to make her aware of their opposition to the proposals for Middle Head and their fears for North Head.By the proponent's own admission at public meetings, planning in consultation with Trust has been going on for at least a year. The highly detailed drawings and image simulations must have required a considerable amount of time and money to prepare. The community doesn’t understand why the Trust waited until the lead up to Christmas to let them know of their plans for public land on Middle Head.The Christmas 2013 holiday period is going to be memorable. A small army of volunteers has revised or put their Christmas holiday plans on hold to keep the Save Middle Head campaign going over the break. Please offer your help. Email: savemiddlehead@gmail.comThe speed, intelligence and passion with which the community responded in deconstructing the proposed Development is truly awesome. An amazing array of practising and retired professionals in architecture, building, design, development, accounting, finance, town planning, government administration, traffic control, health care, media, publishing, law, education, marketing and advertising are sharing their expertise, time and donations to channel their anger to save Middle Head.Have a great break. Keep up the good work, spread the word. We will all need to redouble our efforts very early in the New Year to Save Middle Head for everyone, forever!Save Middle Head TeamLinda Bergin OAM, Coordinatorsavemiddlehead@gmail.com